Beautiful Botanic Gardens

Jamiela, Zayd and I decided to head over to botanic gardens here in Durban last Saturday because Zayd wanted to see the 'duts' (ducks). I wanted to take a camera with but I wasn't in the mood to carry around something too heavy so I took out my faithful Sony NEX F3 and twisted on a 55-200mm just incase I saw any decent birds. It's not the best body for wildlife but I managed to squeeze off a few decent shots. Bird species seen included: Red Bishop, Thick-billed weaver, Masked weaver, Malachite Kingfisher, Speckled Mousebird, Black Flycatcher, Grey Heron, Great White Pelican, Egyptian Goose and common Moorhen.

Click on the images below to scroll through the slideshow:

Light it up!

Last Saturday evening Fayyaaz, a nice couple from Johannesburg and I decided to do something different and here's what we came up with. A big thanks to Fayyaaz who braved the flying sparks and blue bottles washing up with the tide at 1:30am Sunday morning so that we can get the results below. Click on the pictures below to scroll through the carousel of images.

Safiya & Jameel - A special evening

Last weekend Andile and I had the opportunity to shoot a beautiful wedding of Safiya and Jameel. What an amazing couple who fit together like a hand fits a glove. One could see from the gleeful expression on their faces that this was the best day of their lives. Here is a sneak peek with more to follow:


Click on the pictures above to see more images

Oribi Gorge

Jamiela, Zayd and I took a drive down south this past weekend to Oribi Gorge. The weather was cold, dull and rainy but it did leave room for some interesting clouds when the rain stopped. Here are a few pics that I managed to take.

How's that expression?

loving the colour contrast between green and grey

Botswana - Selebi Phikwe - Letsibogo

I've just gotten back from a week trip to Botswana. What a lovely place full of friendly people. It was primarily a bass fishing trip to the infamous Letsibogo dam. I couldn't help but be in awe of the beautiful dead tree forest in the middle of the dam. Faded white with bare outstretched arms to the sky. The waters edge was also teaming with birdlife. I actually lost count of how many African fish eagles I saw. The iconic call 'kyow-kow-kow' with head thrown back makes one smile even in the hottest part of the day. I was even lucky enough to see a juvenile swoop in and catch a fish(breem). Juveniles practicing mock mid-air combat with talons locked. It couldn't have been any better. Other birds seen in abundance included: African white-backed vulture, Saddle-billed stork, Open-billed stork, Grey-backed pelican, Egyptian geese, Black-winged stilt,  White-faced whistling duck, Blacksmith lapwing, Red-billed hornbill, etc. Unfortunately I didn't carry a camera with so I don't have any pics to share for this one.