Botswana - Selebi Phikwe - Letsibogo

I've just gotten back from a week trip to Botswana. What a lovely place full of friendly people. It was primarily a bass fishing trip to the infamous Letsibogo dam. I couldn't help but be in awe of the beautiful dead tree forest in the middle of the dam. Faded white with bare outstretched arms to the sky. The waters edge was also teaming with birdlife. I actually lost count of how many African fish eagles I saw. The iconic call 'kyow-kow-kow' with head thrown back makes one smile even in the hottest part of the day. I was even lucky enough to see a juvenile swoop in and catch a fish(breem). Juveniles practicing mock mid-air combat with talons locked. It couldn't have been any better. Other birds seen in abundance included: African white-backed vulture, Saddle-billed stork, Open-billed stork, Grey-backed pelican, Egyptian geese, Black-winged stilt,  White-faced whistling duck, Blacksmith lapwing, Red-billed hornbill, etc. Unfortunately I didn't carry a camera with so I don't have any pics to share for this one.