Gloomy morning

Last Sunday, Fayyaaz and I headed out to Umhlanga after fajr to try and capture a sunrise over the ocean. Well we didn't actually see the sun rise as it was hiding behind a blanket of clouds. Nevertheless, even though we didn't see the sun rise over the horizon, it was a good learning experience.. I got to try out a new ND filter. Fayyaaz got to try out bracketing for the first time on his 10-18mm.

Here are some of my pictures from this event:

Eli turns 2

A couple weeks ago, I had the honour of shooting a fun filled party for Eli's 2nd birthday. I must say that his parents Armanda and Mark did an amazing job at organising the Dinosaur dig themed event with such intricate attention to detail.

Here are a few pictures from the event:

Light it up!

Last Saturday evening Fayyaaz, a nice couple from Johannesburg and I decided to do something different and here's what we came up with. A big thanks to Fayyaaz who braved the flying sparks and blue bottles washing up with the tide at 1:30am Sunday morning so that we can get the results below. Click on the pictures below to scroll through the carousel of images.